
Cultivating Organic Beans

In the demonstration videos below, we are cultivating organic beans in real time at actual cultivation speeds.

When the appropriate steps are taken to make cultivator adjustments, using the camera guidance hitch allows for dramatically increased cultivation speeds, which improves efficiency, increases the acreage the farmer is able to cultivate, and throws more dirt into the crop row – effectively stopping smaller weeds in their tracks.

Finger Weeders are an excellent tool for organic row crop farmers, particularly in organic bean cultivation, as they gently flick weeds from inside the crop row that no cultivator would be able to remove mechanically. Crop Fertility Services is proud to be a dealer of Hatzenbichler Mechanical Weed Control Equipment, do not hesitate to contact us for a quote on equipment at any time!

This Organic Bean Cultivation video was taken in real time at actual cultivation speed using the Hatzenbichler Cultivator, Hatzenbichler Camera Hitch, and Finger Weeders.

For questions on anything related to mechanical weed control, from cultivating to tine weeder use, contact Ron Fleming at Crop Fertility Services. Ron can be reached at (320)286-2470.

Other Methods of Weed Control In Organic Beans

With all of our row crops, we are both cultivating and tine weeding. In the video below, we’re showing close, in the row footage on a field of organic soybeans with the Hatzenbichler Tine Weeder.


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