
Hatzenbichler Row Crop Cultivators for Sale in North Dakota ND

Crop Fertility Services is a proud Hatzenbichler Row Crop Cultivator dealer in North Dakota. We sell Tine WeedersCultivators (typically paired with the Camera Guidance System), as well as the entire lineup of Hatzenbichler ag systems. Our Row Crop Cultivators are ideal for large-scale weed control and soil aeration. When you need a high quality Hatzenbichler cultivator system in North Dakota, trust the team at CFS. 

Picture showing our Hatzenbichler Cultivator with L-Knives & Finger Weeders running on the Hatzenbichler XL Camera Guidance Hitch.

Picture showing our Hatzenbichler Tine Weeder with hydraulic Tine Angle Adjust and Hydraulic Down Pressure  on Parallel Linkage. 

North Dakota Einbock Farm Equipment Dealer for Tine Weeders

Crop Fertility Services provides all types of Hatzenbichler Tine Weeders for farmers in North Dakota along with those located throughout the upper Midwest. 

  • Any size from 5′ – 80′, 
  • With and without hydraulic tine angle adjust 
  • With and without hydraulic down pressure.

We typically have a variety of Row Crop Cultivators, Tine Weeders and Camera Guidance Systems in stock, but we’re happy to help if you are looking for a specific piece of Hatzenbichler farm equipment such as specific parts and add-ons (Finger Weeder, Angle Knives (L-Knives), Tines, etc.)

Types of Row Crop Cultivators for Sale North Dakota

  • Any Row Spacing, Any Size frame 
  • Section Control on row units and finger weeders available on all cultivators
Cultivator Configurations Include the following : 
  • 10″ – 14″ Row spacing Cultivators (Small Grain Cultivation)
  • 14″ – 20″ Row Spacing Cultivators (Sugar Beets Cultivation)
  • 20″ – 30″ Row Spacing Cultivators (Corn and Soybean Cultivation)
  • 60″ – 80″ Row Spacing Cultivators (Pumpkin Cultivation)
  • 6 Row 30″ Cultivator
  • 8 Row 30″ Cultivator
  • 12 Row 30″ Cultivator
  • 16 Row 30″ Cultivator
  • 24 Row 30″ Cultivator (3 point or pull type) 
CFS can work with you to build any custom size and spacing cultivator. Crop Fertility Services is a proud provider of Hatzenbichler cultivator systems and quality farm equipment in North Dakota. Call us today to get the most out of your next crop!

Video goes through the Hatzenbichler Cultivator, Finger Weeders, Angle Knives, and Hatzenbichler Camera Guidance System

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