
Black Earth ActivFC

ActivFC is a blend of concentrated organic nano-filtered fulvic acid. This is a high CEC low molecular weight fulvic acid. 

Can improve root systems, build up biomass, increase nutrient uptake and availability; ultimately producing higher yields and improved crop quality.

Working as a strong complexing agent, the fulvic acid assists with product and nutrient intake into the plant tissue, thus increasing plant efficiency and efficacy. 

Typically applied as; Foliar Applications, starter fertilizer, hydroponics and herbicide applications. 

Available In : 5 gal

OMRI Listed : YES


Fulvic Acis (V & B Method) | 3%

Inert Ingredients (Water) | 97%

pH | 6.0

Specific Gravity | 1.05

Fertilizer Blends– Add ActivFC at a rate of 1 oz/gal (10 ml/L) of liquid fertilizer then apply  at the applicable rate of the fertilizer. 

Other Uses – ActivFC is good for companies doing secondary manufacturing with blend formulations and extraction of active ingredients. 

Nutrient Transporter – Fulvic acid is permeable through root and leaf membranes, it improves the process & availability of nutrients moving from soil to plant. 

Application Options – Can be applied with starter fertilizer, as a foliar application or in hydroponics. 

Canadian Source – The source of Black Earth Humic Acid is of the highest quality and consistency, coming from Alberta Canada. An area providing high humic acid, but low ash and heavy metals content. 

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The Minimum Pellet order is 25 Tons (one semi-load) – Fill this out, we’ll be in touch! 

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