
Chicken Manure Pellets Colorado​

Buy Chicken Manure Colorado
OMRI Listed for Organic Farming

Buy Chicken Manure CO

What’s the best fertilizer for growing organic crops in Colorado? Chicken manure pellets are an easy-to-apply and effective source of Nitrogen needed for corn, wheat, sunflowers, and more. We’ve been selling and delivering chicken manure in truckload quantities of approximately 25-tons to Colorado since 2012.

Starting in 2025, we will offer 4lb & 25lb bags and 1-ton totes through Soil Smiles™ join the mailing list to save 15% on your first order. All members will receive a discount code when the store is up and running.

Our farmers have great results with our manure pellets when they partner with an agronomist to determine the proper quantity of pellets they should be applying.

Our organic farmers in Colorado have used chicken manure pellets as organic fertilizer for years.

CFS chicken manure pellets average a 4% Nitrogen, 3% Phosphorus, and 2% Potassium analysis, though we do not guarantee an analysis. Manure is manure, we do our absolute best to make a consistent pellet day in and day out.  

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OMRI Listed Chicken Manure Pellets CO​

A typical analysis is around a 4/3/2. Our pellets do vary in moisture depending on the time of year, but they’re typically around a 12% moisture level. They should be free of weed seeds, and easy to handle. 

We recommend spreading with a poultry style litter spreader, such as a Chandler. With that being said, any pull type broadcast spreader should work. Please ask if you are concerned that your spreader may not work! 


Fill out any form on this page, or give us a call at (320) 286-2470

John Deere & Landaco Australian Made Fertilizer Spreader

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve had chicken manure pellets for sale in Colorado since 2012. During that time, we’ve been answered more than our fair share of questions. While we try our best to provide an answer to everything, we only answer what we have experience with. 

Yes, these are OMRI listed chicken manure pellets.

The majority of our customers take delivery for CO chicken manure pellets throughout the summer months, stockpiling it for spreading in the fall. Due to a high sales volume just prior to planting season, we do not guarantee availability for any spring orders unless it is paid in full. 

Manure pellets work great as a pre plant application, or as a side dress to give your crop a boost.

While both Fall or Pre Plant (Spring) work well, we recommend taking delivery in the Fall if possible. 

We typically sell out of spring manure and fall spreading utilizes the natural freeze to break up compaction from spreading activity.

While this is highly weather dependent, we’ve had great results on availability in 30 days. 

*it’s critical that you incorporate your manure as soon as possible, or you could risk losing valuable nutrients.

Due to bio-security on the farm, we will work with you on a delivery plan to ensure you’re getting your manure as fast as possible and on time. 

Please note: this does not require that you use our recommended trucking company, we just have to jump through some hoops if that’s the case. 

You must order in increments of 25 tons (that’s the average size of a for hopper trailer). 

We do not deliver less than a full load, so 109 tons needed would be 4 hopper trailers (about 100 tons).

  1. Signed purchase agreement
  2. 10% non-refundable down payment to schedule trucks / delivery.
  3. Net 15 billing. For orders of more than 20 trucks, we bill weekly. You must remain up to date on payment or your order may be paused.

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The Minimum Pellet order is 25 Tons (one semi-load) – Fill this out, we’ll be in touch!